upply chains are the backbone of any country and have increasingly gained importance in linking developing countries to international markets. While supply chains greatly facilitate access to developed countries’ markets, it also demands greater efficiency and competence from suppliers.
Over the last three decades, the progressive liberalization of cross-border transactions, advances in production technology and information services, and improvement in transport logistics and services have provided firms with greater incentives to fragment production processes and to geographically delocalize them.
Our success is GEOSCALAR ecosystem, which help structure product supply chain within Global Value chain from Asia, Europe, US and Africa. GEOSCALAR design your supply chain based on the needs of customer segments (by product, industry, or trade channel). We help you establish outsourcing strategically while keeping core competencies in-house. GEOSCALAR at platform level drives demand consolidation and diversifies supply sources to reduce procurement and supply risk.
Manufacturers can take advantage of GEOSCALAR world wide distribution channels which not only provides access to the global market with reduced supply chain risks but facilitate trade and establish supply chains.
Focus of GEOSCALAR is to provide supply chain services with access to skills, technology and market knowledge. This enables firms to manufacture products that meet world-market specifications with regard to technological content, quality and design.
Predominantly GEOSCALAR is engaged in development of supply chain of pharmaceuticals, agro & processed food, building materials and Oil & Gas commodities.